Let's Dance
special events

International Women’s Day Zumba
When: Saturday, March 8th, 10am
Where: City YMCA
Cost: free (to Y members), though we’re encouraging donations of feminine products & toiletries
Join Theresa, Amanda…and special guest ZJ Kearsha Saxon!!! We’re hosting a 60 min Zumba class featuring all women artists in celebration of International Women’s Day.

Kizomba Workshop
When: Saturday, March 8th, 11:15a
Where: City YMCA
Cost: $10 – Advanced Registration Required*
Kearsha Saxon is a an incredibly gifted and amazing dance educator and Zumba Jammer, coming to us from Baltimore to teach us about Kizomba dance and music, a sensual and soulful style of African dance.
Register in advance with Theresa:
Venmo: @Theresa-Mitchell-36
PayPal: @tmoney71anc